Saturday, June 19, 2010

In Heaven

 Last Saturday my Grandma finished her race on this earth and went to be with her Lord and Savior.

After I received the email I was thinking back at what time she entered into glory and what I was doing at that moment.

She passed away in the morning hours on Saturday. That was the afternoon here and as I remember looking at the clock, I know exactly what I was doing.


Saturday is James’s day off and so we were spending the day together as a family. After lunch we were playing a game of hide and seek with all the kids in the house.

It was probably one of the best games we have played.  Everyone was involved,  with a good attitude ( that is the key!)  and it was a very nice family moment. The kids were running through the house to get to base. In one of the rounds, Emma was seen and Daddy was chasing her. They got caught by a couch and she was going one way and stopping and turning to go the other way, James was trying to catch her. I was hiding behind the curtain in the living room just listening to her laugh and laugh thinking to myself,  we are so thankful she is well again and so thankful to have our family together.


After I heard the news I thought back to remember, at the moment her life ended and she stepped into eternity, what was I doing. What if it were my last moment?  And I was standing before the Lord at that moment.   What if it was when the Lord was returning?  Would I be found doing the Masters will?  Was I ready?

Bless God yes I was (and am ) ready and yes I was doing what the Lord would have me do.


The sadness for me comes now in that today the entire family will be gathering to celebrate her life and have a memorial service, and I will not be there.

She had 8 children. It’s a big family that gathers together with grandchildren and great grandchildren.  She has left a legacy. May we all follow after her in seeking, serving and loving the Lord Jesus Christ!


I wrote her and told her “ You have been a great example to me in your life, suffering and pain and now as you are approaching death.  You are a jewel in the Lord’s sight!  I will rejoice with you when your “race is finished!”


I sent her these songs and quotes.



In the morning when I rise,  In the morning when I rise

In the morning when I rise,  Give me Jesus.


Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus  you can have all this world,  but give me Jesus.


And when I am alone, And when I am alone

And when I am alone,  Give me Jesus.


Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus  you can have all this world,  but give me Jesus.


And when I come to die, and when I come to die

And when I come to die,  Give me Jesus.


Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus. You can have all this world. You can have all this world.

You can have all this world,  but Give me Jesus.




It is not Death to die, to leave this weary road,
and join the saints who dwell on high,
who’ve found their home with God.
It is not death to close the eyes long dimmed by tears,
and wake in joy before your throne,
delivered from our fears.

O Jesus, conquering the grave,
your precious blood has power to save.
Those who trust in you will in your mercy find
that it is not death to die.

It is not death to fling aside this earthly dust,
and rise with strong and noble wing
to live among the just.
It is not death to hear the key unlock the door
that sets us free from mortal years
to praise you ever more.

O Jesus, conquering the grave,
your precious blood has power to save.
Those who trust in you will in your mercy find
that it is not death to die.


The quotes I shared are from a book titled, “Heavenly Springs”  by Andrew Bonar.

They are just short random thoughts…


“Come you blessed of my Father.’  That word, ‘come’-how it will sound through our heart! It was the word that drew us first to Him, and it will draw us into the kingdom”


“Lord, now let your servant depart in peace’. You are dismissing me from my post. It is the same word used when Christ ‘sent away’ the multitude at evening. ‘Lord You are sending me home in peace at evening.’”


“Rejoiced in the idea of it being God alone that I had to do with in going into eternity. He seemed so well known and sure. His heart is open. His grace has made all known to us. “


“The man who sees Christ in life is sure to see Him in the valley of the shadow of death.”


“Christ has the keys of death, and it is He who opens the gate and admits us into that invisible world. Then His will be the first face we see there-a known face.”


“Dying is just more of Christ”


“What a happy thing it is that it is the kingdom of God our Savior (2 Peter 1:11). We know Him so well. It was He who put our robe of righteousness upon us. We would be lonely in the great company if we did not know him so well. Would it not be a great comfort to the dying thief that Christ said, ‘Today with me in Paradise’”



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