Saturday, March 5, 2011


GOD has been so GOOD

We took our 22 Kabanana kids to the clinic today to get tested for HIV.
We had prepared and talked with them and prayed much for this day. Many people were praying this week in preparation for this day.

We all met at Fanny's house at 8 hrs. We had hired a bus to take most of us and Katryn also drove.
We got to the clinic and then the kids waited and one at a time they came in and told them their name and age and then they did the finger prick to take their blood. The kids all did great!

We waited afterwards for the results . God was so kind and merciful.
We took 22 kids. We knew 2 of them were HIV POSITIVE. We were nervous as to what the results would be.
ALL other kids , ALL were NEGATIVE!!!!!
God answered ours and many others prayers!

waiting at clinic

Then we came to our house to have pizza and cookies with the kids and a fun afternoon together.
The kids played football, swam, and also enjoyed riding on the scooters.
I have never made 10 pizzas at once before! The kids all seemed to enjoy it and for many I think this was their first time eating pizza!

Todd Jaussen talking with boys

Then Randy Pizzino gave a short devotional and we sand 3 songs in the local language with the children.
(We only know about 3, so we picked those!)

(many of these pictures were taken by Katryn...want to give credit where credit is due)

1 comment:

  1. I know I read this way back when. I don't know how I missed posting a comment to Praise God with you! What a blessing those test results are!!
